Thursday, July 9, 2015

interiors design ideas in a modern style 2016

top tips for interiors design ideas in a modern style, first of all, to emphasize your worldview, personality, character, characteristics, and habits. Of great importance here is the harmony of space and its main elements of your inner state, interests, and needs. It is, therefore, important in choosing the style of the interiors design ideas with the utmost seriousness.

Crucial to complete each design project is the implementation of the general style of the interior in all its structures, objects, and structures. Furniture is the backbone of any project, sets the mood and emotions, and also forms the face of the house as a whole. That is why each of us is striving to find original and unusual pieces of furniture and decoration for your home to create their own unique style.

Furniture fashion is changing rapidly over time, making our life their own adjustments, new trends, images, moods and preferences delights.

To one of the most fashionable and actual date trends in interior design, styles include "Loft" - style of wealthy businessmen and bohemians, the embodiment of freedom and luxury. The main thing for this area - air space of the room should be as open as possible: without partitions, walls, and structures. Functional zoning is rather arbitrary, mostly using materials of different colors and textures. The special atmosphere of style creates industrial parts of the premises: ventilation, beams, columns and iron pipes, brick walls without decoration. For this area is characterized by the presence of parts of the interior and furniture of strict vertical and horizontal lines, clarity, and geometric forms. Another style is mandatory material - glass: glass furniture, walls of glass blocks; glass lights, ceilings, large panoramic windows, and openings. Typically, in the interior "loft" used light pastel colors.

interiors design ideas ,modern style
interiors design ideas , modern style
A minimum of furniture - a basic rule of this style. Vintage or modern super concise furniture made of aluminum, plastic, leather or stainless steel. Which has already become quite a popular chair on wheels, folding chairs, beds with metal legs, chromed frame racks, hangers with wheels - all these trends "loft."

Pretty colorful and highly demanded furniture "high tech." This ultra-modern, highly popular for today style of high technology, in which the main emphasis in the development of projects and furniture design accounts for easy shapes, functionality, minimalism, and the transformation of modern technological materials. The interior in the style of "high-tech" means a minimum of furniture and decor at the maximum free space, and bright rooms.

The main advantage of this style of furniture - an unusual shapes and designs. Upholstered furniture "high-tech" is characterized by high comfort and low-slung, one-color upholstery, simple decor and the presence of chrome parts (legs, armrests and handles). Sofas-transformers and modular furniture allow the best use of space without overloading it. Many elements determine transformable mobile furniture style "high-tech": coffee tables of tinted glass and shiny metal on wheels, sliding wardrobes made of metal and multi-functional sofas transformers. The color scheme of this style is very reserved and monochrome, are used primarily gray, black and white.

interiors design ideas ,modern style
interiors design ideas ,modern style

For the interior style of "pop art" suitable minimum and extraordinary set of furniture, saturated colors. The shape of the furniture should be flat and streamlined forms. Sofas, chairs, small tables and ottomans round models with bright elements of plastic or metal. Eccentricity and colorful style without sacrificing comfort abound with details and amusing trifles, involving the extravagant public. The interior is decorated furniture in the style of "pop art" - ideal for private parties and cheerful youth party.
how to become an interior designer

Undoubtedly, the style "pop art" is not for the masses. Saturated bright acid colors and even bore and can even cause irritation in some people who are used to a more relaxed and neutral environment. However, for young people and lovers of surprise and shock your surroundings this style have quite the taste.

The delicate streamlined shape of furniture in the style of «modern» reveal an elegant and sophisticated nature of its owner. This furniture is usually made by masters - cabinetmakers in the piece variants. The beauty and richness of furniture made of natural wood perfectly complement the array of bronze fittings decorated small quirky ornaments. If this furniture, it is mandatory to be upholstered with natural upholstery textile or leather.

For the "modern" style is characterized by the harmonious construction of object-spatial environment, which is directly reflected in the furniture and decor. The main features of the style - the rejection of the corners and straight lines in favor of natural and natural curves; the combination of different materials, combining functional elements and decor. For furniture of this trend characterized by flowing lines and curves that resemble stems and flower buds; stretched wide cabinets with carved doors and curly tables with graceful legs. The color palette of this style of furniture is quite extensive, welcomed the integrity of the elements and the game of contrasts; used forged elements and stained glass windows.

This is an expensive option interior styling, as it uses high-quality furniture, which is usually made-to-order from professional masters of their craft.

interiors design ideas ,modern style
interiors design ideas , modern style

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