Saturday, July 18, 2015

List of the best Decor Pharmacies in USA

List of the best Decor Pharmacies,Accessories pharmacies, Modern Decor Pharmacies, Learn Decor pharmacies.

Laminates (HPL) Formica combines high functionality and unique design with exceptional resistance to external influences.

Products Formica was used by "Decorations Ideas" in the decoration of several pharmacy chains: "Pharmacy" in Krasnoyarsk,  in the Murmansk region, in the shopping center "Orbita" in suburban Lyubertsy,  on Tverskaya Street in Moscow.

See picture Decor Pharmacies

Decor Pharmacies
Decor Pharmacies,Accessories pharmacies

Decor Pharmacies,Accessories pharmacies
Decor Pharmacies,Accessories pharmacies
Modern Decor Pharmacies, Learn Decor pharmacies
Modern Decor Pharmacies, Learn Decor pharmacies
Decor Pharmacies
Decor Pharmacies
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Learn Decor pharmacies

HPL Formica is often used for walls in schools, hospitals and shops, where they are exposed to increased external influence. The decor is also convenient to use a pharmacy plastic. It gives the room well-groomed appearance, is resistant to external influences (increased friction, contamination) and meets all the requirements for finishing materials.

Products Formica has been used in the design of the Krasnoyarsk pharmacy "Pharmacy". The main task of the designer was a retreat from the Soviet image of the store in the direction of modern design to attract visitors.

Historically, the blue color is used for pharmaceutical institutions. Therefore, the designer chose the colors "Tropical Blue" and "Crystal White" for a new finishing shop "Pharmacy". As a result, thanks to a new design and improved maintenance systems, turn "Pharmacy" has increased by 30%.
Decor pharmacies
Decor pharmacies
Decor pharmacies
Decor pharmacies
Decor pharmacies
Decor pharmacies

On the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region in 2013 it was opened 20 pharmacies "Eurofarm". Designers wanted to choose bright colors for a corporate case study design. Their choice was a white, yellow and green colors. First of all these colors are chosen to enhance the mood of visitors who live in northern conditions, and are deficient in bright sunlight. HPL "Crystal White"has been used in the decoration of tables and shop equipment," chrome yellow "- into commercial equipment, boxes and shopping shelves," Lime "- in the finishing shop windows.

It is important to note that the pharmacy "EuroPharm", located in the shopping center "Orbita" in the suburban town of Lyubertsy, also has a design engineered with HPL Formica. The store is in the range of "coffee with milk": the color "Couture Wood" and "Porcelain" were used in the finishing of surfaces pharmacy. In the center of Moscow near the Kremlin located branded pharmaceutical pharmacy "Evalar." The store also has a design made with HPL Formica color "Bright Green". The material was used in the decoration of doors, panels, shelving. Thus, we can say that HPL Formica is the ideal solution for creating interior design pharmacies. Paper laminate is a hygienic material easy to clean. Moreover, it is resistant to external influences.

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